Download Swirly Love Wedding Template v1.0.1

10:54 AM

Swirly Love Gay or Straight Wedding Theme with Original Illustration

A beautiful, responsive wedding theme/template with same sex marriage support, five color options, three header/navigation options (left, right, top) navigation, gallery (with touch ready lightbox), PHP/ajax contact form, and other sleek features. Comes with PSD files including the smart object vector files and easy instructions for people familiar with html.


  1. Original Illustration, NOT clip art.
  2. Easily change the location of the header for Left, Right, or Top.
  3. Easily change the color of the birds to reflect the genders of the couple
  4. Easily change the color theme into one of the five beautiful choices
  5. Comes with PSD files of all the vector smart objects.
  6. Export the smart objects to create paper invitations, t-shirts, mugs or anything else for the wedding (not to be used for items for resale on any marketplace on or offline).
  7. Favicon and Touch Icons included
  8. Excellent documentation.

Script Credits

Graphics Credits

The illustration of swirly birds, hearts, and embellishments are custom illustrations created by the theme artist. They are for use in your finished wedding website project. You may use the vector files to create other projects for the specific wedding. These include t-shirts, printed invitations, posters, and mugs but they are not to be re-sold on any other marketplace on or offline.
All the photos, except the same sex partner photos, used in the DEMO only are Public Domain from Pixabay. The same sex partners photos are from Big Stock Photo. All Photos are for DEMO use only, placeholder images are used in the downloaded theme.

Icon Font Credits

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