Dee Admin Template is a admin and dashboard template based on Bootstrap.
It have two versions: jQuery and AngularJS Seeded projects.
It's fully responsive. Uses Bootstrap 3.x, HTML5 and CSS3. Contains lots of components designed for making an easier web development. Contains a project based in jQuery 2.x for JavaScript and SASS for dynamic CSS coding. Developed with Grunt and Bower for project and library management. Supports Crossbrowser IE, Safari, Firefox, Opera,...
Dee Admin Template is has well documented, structured and commented code.
Updates and Support
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Main Technologies & Libraries
- CSS3
- Bootstrap 3.x
- AngularJS
- SASS for dynamic CSS coding
- jQuery 2.x
- jQuery UI 1.x
- Font Awesome 4.x
- Grunt for project management
- Bower form library management
Main features
- Seeded projects (jQuery and AngularJS)
- Crossbrowser support
- Fullscreen toggle
- Well Documented code
- Well Structured code
- Well Commented code
- Fully Responsive
- Fully Responsive layout
- Boxed view
- Fixed navigation view
- Fixed footer view
- Sibedar collapsed view
- 9+ Layout options
Theme and colors
- All components are integrated with Theme Colors
- 14 Theme colors
- 3 Sidebar colors
- 42 color options
- Dashboard
- App pages
- Login page
- Register page
- Error pages
- Coming Soon page
- Recover password
- Extra pages
- Invoice
- Profile
- Multiple timeline designs
- Activity feed
- Search results
- UI Elements
- Components
- Buttons
- Panels
- Panel grid
- Tabs & Accordions
- Spinners
- Tooltips & Popovers
- Checkbox & Radio Buttons
- Switches
- Modal dialogs
- Alert dialogs
- Page messages
- Mailbox with compose and view
- Calendar
- Typography
- Forms
- Basic forms
- Form layouts
- Advanced form controls
- Text editor
- Wizard
- Validation
- Drop zone file upload
- Clock picker
- Time picker
- Colors
- Widgets
- Charts
- Sparkline
- Flot
- Peity
- Chart.js
- Tables
- Basic tables
- Datatable
- Grids
- CSS3 Animations
- TODO List page
- Pricing tables
We are working on
Extra pages
- Project navigation and details page
- Contacts page
- File explorer page
- Blog page
- Chat page
- Lock page
- ...
New Components
- Inbox V2
- Dashboard V2
- Landing page
- Image gallery
- Horizontal accordion
- Panel with Sub-header
- Ribbons
- Saw Tooth separator
- Maps
- Carousel
- Emerging Twitter Publisher
- ...
- Wizard
- Form Validation
- ...
- Morris.js
- Rickshaw
- ...
Animate.css | A cross-browser library of CSS animations
Bootstrap | The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive webs.
jQuery | Fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
jQuery UI | Set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
lodash | A JavaScript utility library delivering consistency, modularity, performance, & extras.
AngularJS | Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework
ui-router | The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
Peity | Simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple <svg> mini pie, donut, line or bar chart
Chart.js | Simple, clean and engaging charts for designers and developers
Sparkline | jQuery plugin generates sparklines
Flot | Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery
Holder.js | Renders image placeholders entirely in browser
Font Awesome | The iconic font and CSS toolkit
DropzoneJS | Plugin that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews
Summernote | Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap
chosen | Plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly
Bootstrap Tags Input | jQuery plugin providing a Twitter Bootstrap user interface for managing tags.
Bootstrap MaxLength | Uses badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text.
jQuery Knob | Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial
bootstrap-datepicker | A datepicker for @twitter bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre's
ClockPicker | A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap
jQuery MiniColors | Color selector
Ion.RangeSlider | Easy, flexible and responsive range slider with skin support
Bootstrap-select | A custom select for @twitter bootstrap using button dropdown.
Bootstrap TouchSpin | Input spinner component for Bootstrap 3
Masked Input | Masked input plugin for the jQuery javascript library
X-Editable | In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap.
cropper | A simple jQuery image cropping plugin.
toastr | Javascript library for non-blocking notifications
Sweet Alert | A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "Alert"
Full feature plugins
FullCalendar | Plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop event calendar.
Project management
Bower | A package manager for the web
GruntJs | The JavaScript Task Runner
DataTables | Table plug-in for jQuery
DataTables Plugins | Datatables plug-ins of various types
DataTables ColVis | Dynamically change the visibility of the columns in the table
DataTables ColReorder | Drag column headers to reorder a table as they see fit
DataTables Responsive | Optimising the table's layout for different screen sizes
User interaction
metisMenu | A jQuery menu plugin:
Pace | Automatic Page Load Progress Bar
slimScroll | Plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar
gridstack.js | Drag-and-drop multi-column grid