Epicure is a super practical landing page designed for mid-high end restaurants. The UX design is focused on converting first-time customers with an enticing first impression and clear call-to-action.
The landing page covers all of the essential elements/information a restaurant would need yet strictly keeps things to a minimum to avoid unnecessary bloating. Because of the simplicity of the template, it’s quick and easy to set up your own version.
If you believe less is more and would like to build a powerful restaurant marketing site in minutes, you don’t want to miss this template!
[NEW] - Working Booking Form (PHP + Ajax)
Added working booking form to save you time. You just need to change the email address in mailer.php
Want to test the Booking form?
The booking form is hooked up to our email address for demo purposes. If you submit the form with your real email address we can forward you the submitted form results.
- Fully Responsive
- HTML5 + CSS3
- LESS files included
- Built on Bootstrap 3
- 10 colour schemes
- 200+ Bootstrap icons
- 600+ FontAwesome icons
- Flexslider
- Client-side form validation
- Customisable Google map
Latest Version - v1.4
- Instagram feed is deprecated from the template - it is no longer working after Instagram changed their API.
Affected files:
- epicure > main.js
- epicure > assets > js > main.js
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- jQuery
- Flexslider
- Bootstrap Date Picker
- Google Fonts
- Moment.js
- instafeedjs
- jQuery Validation Plugin
- jQuery Placeholder
- blueimp Gallery
- Bootstrap Image Gallery
- Gmap.js
- jQuery ScrollTo
- isMobile
- Images – Pan Pacific and uifaces.com
- All images are shown for demonstration purposes only.