M&M puts all your content in one, minimal and creative, page. This template is the perfect solution for Agency or individuals. Showcase your case studies or project pages you craft. You can generate content dead-easy since M&M is built on SASS and Jade. M&M comes SEO ready, and each different page (Blog post page, Work post page, Team member profile page) can be loaded via AJAX. This makes it truly one pager, as you will not have any external pages. You can however load your pages externally if you wish. M&M gives you freedom and a set of custom classes to feel free and generate every content you like.
Key Features :
- Free support
- One Pager
- Responsive design
- CSS Animations
- Detailed documentation
- Slider (With animations)
- Video background
- 4 Different Demos (More will be added)
- Parallax
- Many portfolio Demos
- Sidebar menu for Mobiles and/or Desktop
- Google maps
- ION Icons
- Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Clean code
- SASS Generated CSS styles
- Unique design
- Working AJAX Contact form
- Solid typography
- Retina ready
- Cross browser support
- Clean and Creative design
- AJAX Based
- Clean and Creative design
- Custom Animations
- Bootstrap - http://getboostrap.com
- Icons - http://ionicons.com/
- Images - http://allthefreestock.com/
- JQuery - http://jquery.com/
- Waypoints - http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/
- Magnific Popup - http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
- Fonts (Open Sans) - https://www.google.com/fonts
- Owl Carousel 2 - http://www.owlcarousel.owlgraphic.com/
- PHPMailer - https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer
- Animate.css - https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/