Bemat Admin
Bemat Admin is a professional, responsive and multipurpose HTML5/CSS3 Material Design admin template powered with Bootstrap 3.3.6 Framework and jQuery library. Bemat can be used for any type of web applications: custom admin panels, admin dashboards, CMS, CRM, SAAS and more. Bemat has a sleek, clean and intuitive material design style, and has a huge collection of plugins and UI components and works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets and phones.
- Based on Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Material Design
- Easily customizable (less files)
- Responsive layout
- High Resolution
- Custom components
- Accordions
- Alerts
- Badges & Labels
- Buttons
- Breadcrumbs
- Colors
- Dropdowns
- Dynamic Grid
- Lists
- Modals
- Notifications
- Pagination
- Panels
- Progress Indicators
- Tables: normal, dynamic and responsive
- Tooltips
- Integrated Text Editors
- Summernote
- CKEditor
- wysiHTML5
- Markdown
- Simditor
- Trumbowyg
- MediumEditor
- Integrated Charting Libraries
- jQuery.sparklines.js
- Peity
- Chartist.js
- NVD3
- Chart.js
- Integrated Code Editors
- Ace
- CodeMirror
- Integrated Syntax Highlighter
- Google Prettify
- Prism
- Highlight.js
- Misc Features
- Favicon Notifications
- Sweet Alert
- Idle Timer
- Hierarchical Display
- CSS Animations
- Google Maps
- i18n Support
- Clipboard
- Integrated plugins: DataTables, Full Calendar and more
- Exclusive Bemat's Plugins
- Circular Progress
- Linear Progress
- Material Ripple
- SpeedDial
- Simple Pie Chart
- Snackbar
- Toasts
- Subheader Sticky
- Custom Pages
- Authentication
- Forgot Password
- Login Page
- Lock Page
- Register
- Blank Page
- Help & FAQ
- Invoice
- Maintenance
- Princing Tables
- Settings
- Errors: 404, 500
- Authentication
- Premade App Views
- Calendar
- Mailbox
- Inbox
- Compose
- View
- Email Templates
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Google Fonts (Roboto)
- Google Material Design Icons
- Bootstrap Select v1.7.2
- Chartist.js 0.9.5
- CKEditor 4
- countTo
- D3.js 3.1.5
- DataTables
- FullCalendar
- FullScreen
- Google Code Prettify
- iCheck
- jQuery
- NVD3
- Peity
- PerfectScrollbar
- Sparkline
- Summernote