Risotto is a beautiful One-page and Multi-page multipurpose restaurant template. It is ideal for your business: restaurant, cafe, pub. Quality execution and attention to detail, coupled with clean code and thoughtful design. Risotto include 41 html files and 29 SASS files.
Quick Look
- 41+ HTML Pages
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Fullscreen Parallax background
- Fullscreen Slider background
- Fullscreen Youtube video background
- Fullscreen Vimeo video background
- Working AJAX contact form (PHP mail)
- Mega Menu
- Form validation
- Flexslider
- Owl carousel
- Lightbox Gallery
- Elegant Icons and Font Awesome icons
- More then 1000 icons
- Concatenated JS files
- Google map
- Responsive video
- CSS Animation
- Online Documentation
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3.6
Need Support?
Thank you for your interest in our template. If you need technical support or have any questions, please send me a message via my profile and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- jQuery Fitvids
- SmoothScroll
- <http://gmap3.net/>
- Elegant-icon
- Google Fonts
- Fontawesome
- Animate.css
- jqBootstrapValidation
- jquery.appear
- isotope
- imagesLoaded
- Flexslider
- headroom.js
- magnific-popup
- jQuery Jarallax
- Twitter-Post-Fetcher
- Single Page Nav Plugin
Photos and videos:
- depositphotos.com
- graphicburger.com/
- unsplash.com
- <http://www.6pm.com/>
- Image 1
- Image 2
- Image 3
- Image 4
- Image 5
- Image 6
- Image 7
- Image 8
- Image 9
- Image 10
- 10-wonderful-foodie-photos
The images used on the demo site are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download file. We have included placeholder images for each instance.