"Poncho" is a clean and lightweight and modern one page/ landingpage template based on Bootstrap 3.3.x. It is very "developer friendly" and comes with SASS sources and Gulp/Bower support.
Currently there are two (more coming soon) different demo´s available.
- Demo 1 - For the Makers"
- Demo 2 - "For the Adventurers"
- Demo 3 - "For the Developers"
- Demo 4 - "For the Bootstrappers" *- NEW - *
- Single content page
Main Features
- ~~Three~~ Four html landingpage template files with a lot of sample content sections
- A sample content page
- Working PHP Contact form and form validation
- Responsive (Based Bootstrap 3.3.6)
- Font Awesome Icons
- Slider (Bootstrap default slider and Owl Carousel script)
- Parallax Backgrounds and scrolling animations (by skrollr.js and smoothscroll.js)
- Animated elements via animate.css
- Bootstrap form validation
- Sticky navbar
Developer Features
- Node package Manager sources (package.json)
- Bower source file (bower.json)
- Gulp Tasks (gulpfile.json) with some basic tasks (gulp-dist, gulp-watch, gulp-sass etc.)
- Bootstrap SASS
Dependencies & Credits
Scripts & Assets
- jQuery 2.1.4 - http://jquery.com/
- Bootstrap SASS 3.3.6 - https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass
- Font Awesome 4.5.0 - http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- skrollr.js - https://github.com/Prinzhorn/skrollr
- Owl Carousel 2 - https://github.com/smashingboxes/OwlCarousel2.git
- Bootstrap Form Validator - https://github.com/1000hz/bootstrap-validator.git#~0.8.1
- wow.js 1.1.2 - http://mynameismatthieu.com/WOW/ - By Matt Aussaguel
- animate.css - http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ - By Daniel Eden.
Images & Media
- Unsplash - unsplash.com - CC Zero images <- Included in the package
- Death to Stock Photos - CC Zero images <- included in the package
- Startup Stock Photos - CC Zero images <- included in the package
- Some assets are generated with the InvisionApp "NOW" UI Kit for Photoshop - Assets can be downloaded here for free: http://www.invisionapp.com/now