Onboard is a responsive landing page for product crowdfunding campaigns.
It has everything you need to roll your own crowdfunding campaign. You can use platform such as "Celery" and "Gumroad" to take funding money or get your users topre-order your product.
The template’s source LESS files are included so customising the template’s styling and colour scheme is quick and easy.
- Fully Responsive
- HTML5 + CSS3
- LESS files included
- Built on Bootstrap 3.3.6
- 2 colour schemes
- 200+ Bootstrap icons
- 600+ FontAwesome icons
- 200+ Pixeden line icons
- jQuery countdown
- Video modal
- Timeline
- Client-side form validation
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- jQuery
- Google Fonts
- jQuery ScrollTo
- isMobile
- Pixden Icons
- Animate.css
- jQuery validation
- jQuery matchHeight
- jQuery inview
- Images – Breakerhead, uifaces.com
- All images are shown for demonstration purposes only.
- Apple Watch Mockup - Moeslah
Latest Version v1.1.1
- Updated jQuery to v1.12.3
- Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.3
Affected files:
- onboard > index.html (updated jQuery)
- onboard > assets > plugins > font-awesome (folder)