KYBook – is a clean, modern, user friendly – with many of functions theme just perfect for your eCommerce Bookstore project.
The HTML template has 14 Pages. The template is full and easily customizable. It is well organized, commented and documented.
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3.6
- LESS files supplied
- PHP files included
- Responsive
- HTML5 & CSS3
- HTML5 Validated
- Highly Customizable
- Well commented code
- Well Documented Code
- Touch Enabled Sliders
- Updated regularly
- HTML code by Akther Jabeen
- Bootstrap by Twitter
- Bootstrap Hover Dropdown by Cameron Spear
- Jquery Easing by George McGinley Smith
- Owl Carousel by OwlFonk
- WOW by Matthieu Aussaguel
- Animate.css by Daniel Eden
- Yamm 3 by geedmo
- echo by toddmotto
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy
- jQuery UI