Electronic Responsive Website Template is the universal, professional HTML template, based on the latest Bootstrap 3. It covers all possible web site development cases.
This Responsive Template is suitable for Corporate website, Personal Portfolio, Blog, Magazine or E-commerce project.
The general advantages of Electronic Creative Template are: modern, clean and well-balanced design, outstanding flexibility, a lot of content variations and ease of customization.
Electronic Website Template is fully responsive, looks and works perfect on any device.
Customize your website as you want using different colors and 100% free fonts. Build it from pieces and blocks as simple as Lego.
The Electronic Creative Site Template comes with 20+ HTML pages.
- HTML5 and CSS3 Multipurpose template
- Based on Bootstrap 3
- Wide and Boxed Layouts
- Multiple Headers
- Multiple Sticky menu color variations
- Bootstrap Responsive Grid System
- Set of 10 pre-defined nice-looking CSS color schemes
- SCSS Source files included
- Sticky Header
- Revolution Slider
- Isotope filtered Masonry Portfolio working with the native Bootstrap columns
- Superfish Dropdown Menu
- Parallax Backgrounds
- Flex Slider
- Flickr Feed
- Google Map
- Responsive Pricing Tables
- 100% Bootstrap Components Compatible
- Working Flickr Feed
- All files are well organized and commented
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- SEO Friendly
- Full set of the PSD Files
Pages list
- Homepage (4 variations)
- Homepage with light transparent Header over the Slider
- Homepage with dark transparent Header over the Slider
- Homepage with light Header as the block
- Homepage with dark Header as the block
- About
- Blog
- Blog with the left Sidebar
- Blog with the right Sidebar
- Blog with double Sidebar
- Blog without a Sidebar
- Blog Post
- Portfolio
- Portfolio 4 columns
- Portfolio 4 columns without gutters
- Portfolio 4 columns with captions
- Portfolio 3 columns
- Portfolio 3 columns without gutters
- Portfolio 3 columns with captions
- Portfolio 2 columns
- Portfolio 2 columns without gutters
- Portfolio 2 columns with captions
- Portfolio Item
- Shop
- Shop Item
- Contacts
- UI Elements
Free Fonts
- Oxygen
- Novecento Sans Wide
- Georgia (System font)
Photos and Illustrations
All the photos used in the Live Preview are not included in the downloadable archive.
Other credits
- Fancybox JS
- FlexSlider JS
- Flickity JS
- Jflickrfeed JS
- Imagesloaded
- Isotope JS
- Modernizr
- Mousewheel
- SliderRevolution JS
- Stellar JS
- Sticky JS
- Superfish JS
- Wow JS