Centric - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template
Centric is an admin template application based on Bootstrap framework and the most popular frontend technology, AngularJS. It's available also using onlyHTML5/jQuery (without angularjs).
All components included in this dashboard template has been developed to bring all the potential of Bootstrap plus a set of new features (JS and CSS) ideal for your next dashboard admin theme or admin web app project.
All components included in this dashboard template has been developed to bring all the potential of Bootstrap plus a set of new features (JS and CSS) ideal for your next dashboard admin theme or admin web app project.
Main Features
- Responsive design
- Bootstrap 3.3.6
- AngularJS 1.5.x
- Visual Studio MVC6
- Language Translation
- RTL support
- SVG sidebar menu icons
- Predefined color themes and unlimited combinations
- Dark theme
- CSS3 based animations
- Gulp workflow
- Automated tasks for development and production
- Gulp server (BrowserSync)
- LESS files included
- Modular Javascript
- JADE Template engine
- User pages (login, register, etc)
- Styled Forms, Table and Charts
- Extra Pages (messages, profile, etc)
- Documentation included
Projects included
- AngularJS
- jQuery/HTML5
- Visual Studio MVC6
*All projects are included in the package
- angular-bootstrap
- angular-bootstrap-colorpicker
- angular-dropzone
- angular-deckgrid
- angular
- angular-file-upload
- angular-flot
- angular-cookies
- angular-animate
- angular-loading-bar
- angular-knob
- angular-datatables
- angular-google-maps
- angular-rickshaw
- angular-summernote
- angular-resource
- angular-translate
- angular-sweetalert
- angular-route
- angular-translate-loader-static-files
- angular-translate-loader-url
- angular-touch
- angular-translate-storage-local
- angular-ui-router
- angular-ui-select
- angular-translate-storage-cookie
- angular-sanitize
- animate.css
- blueimp-gallery
- angular-ui-utils
- dropzone
- angular-xeditable
- flot-spline
- flot.tooltip
- flot
- ionicons
- jquery.easy-pie-chart
- font-awesome
- bootstrap
- material-colors
- angular-messages
- ng-mfb
- jquery.browser
- lodash
- modernizr
- ng-nestable
- jquery
- ng-wig
- ngstorage
- ng-table
- oclazyload
- sparkline
- bootstrap-filestyle
- screenfull
- venturocket-angular-slider
- textAngular
- angular-loaders
- angular-bootstrap-nav-tree
- ng-table-export
- nestable
- ika.jvectormap