Boss is an awesome fully responsive multipurpose template developed with Bootstrap. Boss is all you need to make awesome websites. Clean, valid coded and well commented with a powerful documentation. Easy to use, easy to edit with detailed elements pages.. Purchase now and enjoy awesomeness.
- Responsive and tested on all modern browsers
- 210+ Html Pages
- 35+ Homepages
- 25+ Detailed Elements Pages
- Revolution Slider ($14)
- Isotope Plugin ($25)
- Easy to customize with detailed Element Pages
- Much more...
All images are just for the preview purpose.
- Pixabay
- Pixeden
- Flat icon
- jQuery
- Bootstrap Framework
- Skrller (For parallax background)
- Bootstrap Date Time picker
- Imagesloaded Plugin
- Bootstrap Switch
- Jquery Backstretch plugin
- Jquery Knob plugin
- Ytplayer jquery plugin
- Supersized Plugin
- Magnific Popup (Plugin for lightbox)
- Revolution Slider (Buyed 1 extenden licese - Save $14)
- Owl Carousel (For carousels / home text slider)
- Selectbox Plugin (Plugin for custom selectbox)
- Isotope Plugin (Portfolio filter/sort - magical layouts plugin - Developer License $25)
- Retina.js (RDR)
- Waypoint Plugin
- Smart Resize
- Modernizr (Custom download - Some plugins required Modernizr)
- jflickrfeed (Flickr Feed Plugin)
- Tweet.js (Twitter Feed Plugin)
- Google Fonts
- Wow.js
- Query loader plugin
- Preview Images (Not inclueded within the download file)
- Preview Images (Not inclueded within the download file)
- Subtle Patterns (Awesome background patterns)
- Subtle Google Map (Awesome styled google maps)
- Flexslider 2
- Jquery Kwicks Plugin