Ada - Personal Blog Template
Ada is a clean personal blog template
Ada is designed to optimize your reading experience as much as possible. It is easy to use and configure.
- Bootstrap 3.3
- Google Fonts
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Easy customizable
- SEO Optimized
- Cross browser
- Disqus support
- Smooth scrolling
- OWL Carousel
- Wow.js
- Animate.css
- 10 different colors
- Documentation
Pages Layouts
- 4 different homepages
- 2 different post pages
- Bootstrap elements
- About page
- Contact page
- 404 page
- Open Sans Font
- Merriweather Font
- Bootstrap CSS Framework
- Font Awesome Icon font
- Animate.css CSS Animations
- Wow.js JS Animations
- OWL Carousel JS Slideshow
- Death to the Stock Photo Photos