What's new?
- Added 2 new awesome sliders
- Added news section on Front Page
- Added separate Blog Pages with Ajax support and Social media sharing links for your posts
Qubico is a modern one-page creative portfolio template. It is the perfect solution for Web Designers, Graphic Designers and any kind of creative people. Qubico is built on Bootstrap v3.1.1 and packed with great features. It makes use of modern jQuery and CSS3 techniques to create superb eye-catching animations and make your visitors love you and your work. It is simple, modern and responsive.
Qubico is really easy to use, even for beginners. It comes with a very detailed documentation to help you customize it step by step and includes 12 predefined color schemes to choose from. Just choose one of the premade CSS files or make your own using the colors-only CSS file.
- Bootstrap 3.1.1
- CSS3 Full Animated
- Custom Animating Sliders built on Sequence
- Flat iDevices Image Wrappers
- Responsive Videos
- Filterable Portfolio
- AJAX Loading More Projects
- Skills Charts
- Working AJAX contact form with Auto-responder
- Ajax Blog
- Super Easy Configuration
- 12 predefined color schemes
- Fontawesome Icons
- and much more...
JS Scripts
- Colorbox by Jack Moore (License: MIT)
- CountTo by Matt Huggins (License: MIT)
- easyPieChart by rendro (License: MIT)
- FitText by Paravel (License: WTFPL)
- FitVids by Chris Coyier (License: WTFPL)
- Flexslider by Woothemes (License: MIT)
- scrollTo by Ariel Flesler (License: MIT)
- Sequence by Ian Lunn (License: MIT)
- waypoints by I Make Web Things (License: MIT)
- Social Likes by Artem Sapegin (License: MIT)
Flat iDevices
Demo Images (not included)
Change Log
Version 1.2 - April 11 2014
- Added perspective sliders
- Added News section and Blog pages
- Updated documentation
Version 1.1 - March 22 2014
- Fixed minor bugs
- Updated documentation
Version 1.0 - February 25 2014
- Initial Release