Download Kertas V1.0 - Responsive Admin Template

7:19 AM


Kertas is a flat and fully responsive multi-layout admin template built with Bootstrap 3 framework. Many useful components, well structured code, layout options and resources.

  • Responsive Design
  • Multiple Layouts
  • Built with Bootstrap 3
  • Clean and Flat Design
  • 10 Skins Color
  • 37 HTML Admin pages + Frontend page
  • Valid HTML5 and CSS3
  • Integrated Components
  • Cross Browser
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Well Structured Code
  • And much more

  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Color Picker
  • Bootstrap DateTime Picker
  • Bootstrap Slider
  • Bootstrap Summernote
  • Bootstrap Wizard
  • CodeMirror
  • Dropzone
  • Font Awesome
  • FullCalendar
  • GMaps
  • iCheck
  • jQuery BlockUI
  • jQuery DataTables
  • jQuery Flot
  • jQuery Gritter
  • jQuery jVectorMap
  • jQuery Knob
  • jQuery Magnific Popup
  • jQuery MaskedInput
  • jQuery Nestable
  • jQuery NiftyModal
  • jQuery Resize
  • jQuery Sparkline
  • jQuery Ticker
  • jQuery Validation
  • Pace
  • Select2
  • Skycons
  • Switchery

Download Kertas V1.0 - Responsive Admin Template

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