Download Detail Admin - Responsive Bootstrap Theme

9:41 PM


Detail Admin Theme is a clean and elegant responsive template suitable for any back-end application. Created using latest HTML5 and CSS3 features. Built with SASS and focused on simplicity and real life use cases.
Comes with 2 versions, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2.3

Page templates

  • Home dashboard
  • Charts and reports
  • Great for managing resources:
    • User list
    • New user form
    • User profile
  • Image gallery list
  • Page blank state example on gallery
  • DataTables
  • Tables
    • Products
    • Orders
    • Users
  • FullCalendar with styled new event dialog
  • Form elements
  • Form wizard
  • My Account
  • Code inline editor
  • Sign in
  • Sign up

Main features

  • Fully responsive
  • Default and new dark skin
  • Sign in shows one kind of style with an integrated package of blurred backgrounds
  • Sign up show a more formal style
  • Styled form elements
  • Showcase of new UI Elements
  • Includes a styled calendar with jQuery fullCalendar
  • Includes 2 layouts, navigation on sidebar and navigation on top bar
  • Custom styled elements (flat buttons, sliders, dialogs, etc) beside native bootstrap ones
  • Cross-browser compatible

Plugins include

  • jQuery 1.9.1
  • Bootstrap 3
  • FontAwesome 3.2.1
  • DataTables
  • jQuery UI 1.10.2 custom
  • jQuery Knob 1.2.0
  • jQuery Flot Charts 1.1
  • FullCalendar 1.6.1
  • jQuery Select2 3.3.2
  • Bootstrap Datepicker
  • Bootstrap wysihtml5
  • Morris.js charts

The following will be added in next updates:
  • Timeline
  • Search results
  • FAQ page
  • Invoice
  • Pricing Tables
  • Error 404 and 500
  • Drag & drop file uploads


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