Download Core Admin - Responsive Bootstrap Admin

9:06 PM


Bootstrap 3 ready!


  • ERB templates, everything well organized!
  • Full static html site included!
  • Bootstrap 3.0
  • jQuery 1.9.1
  • Main screen/sidebar style layout
  • Fully Responsive, works on any PC / MAC systems, phones and tablets
  • New controls, and redesign for existing controls
  • Login/Signup Page
  • Many new widgets
  • Font Awesome
  • New HTML/Javascript components
  • Error page
  • xCharts
  • Dynamic tables (jQuery DataTables)
  • Select2
  • Tagify
  • iButton
  • Bootstrap wysihtml5
  • Bootstrap dropdown hover
  • Justgage
  • Sparkline js
  • Bootstrap Wizard component
  • Zurb's responsive tables
  • TouchTouch responsive Gallery
  • Gritter (Growl) style notifications
  • Full featured calendar (jQuery FullCalendar)
  • Easy Styling
  • Includes Documentation
All components mentioned above have customizations to fit in nicely with the theme (meaning they're not there just to bloat the theme like most themes these days)


  • Firefox 4+
  • Latest Chrome
  • Latest Safari
  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Opera 11

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