Bamboo is a clean and soft one-page multipurpose theme. It's uncluttered layout and fresh colour scheme will dazzle your visitors. It's responsive, it converts and it's perfect for displaying your service or work to potentional clients. The theme will do the word.
- Responsive Design
- Smooth, Eased Scrolling
- Stunning Portfolio
- 150 outlined icons View here
- Fully Functional Contact Form
- In-depth Documentation
- Email Support
- Theme LESS Files
Tamashi Themes would like to give thanks to the following resources: Thank you! Without your work this theme wouldn't have been the way it is now!
- Lato typeface by Google Web Fonts
- Varela Round typeface by Google Web Fonts
- Montserrat typeface by Google Web Fonts
- Intro background is made by Tamashi Themes
- Portfolio placeholder images are from GraphicBurger
- The images of logos of fictitious demo clients belong to their respective owners
- The icons used in this theme are made by Dario Ferrande
- Social media icons in footer by Themezilla
- jQuery by The jQuery Foundation
- Bootstrap 3 by @mdo and @fat
- jQuery Easing by GSGD
- wow.js by Matthieu Aussaguel
- Slippry by Booncon Rockets
- Shuffle.js by Glen Cheney
- lightGallery.js by sachinchoolur
- gmaps.js by Gustavo Leon
Our homepage and support forum are under construction, for any questions or support please send an email to: and we'll assist you as soon as possible. :-)